An interesting TASTE summit at the Hotel Management School Maastricht with the theme ‘The value of the landscape for Vital Citizens’. About the way we now handle food and how we can improve it. Interesting contributions from, Herman Peppelenbos of HAS University of Applied Sciences, Richard Dunne, Toine Gresel of ‘Limburgs Landschap’ and André Köppen.
Of course was the event hosted by Peter Klosse, Gastronomy lecturer at Zuyd Hogeschool | Zuyd University of Applied Sciences.
At the end there was time to taste the lovely food…
Vitality deserves attention. Overweight and chronic conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and rheumatism are becoming more common. However, a healthy, active lifestyle is for many people difficult to achieve. On the other hand, the tilt in health care requires that citizens take (more) responsibility for their own health.
‘The time has come to help citizens in a vital lifestyle. This requires practical programs – tailored to individual needs – and training of people who can implement these programs’, says Susy Braun lecturer Nutrition, Lifestyle and Exercise at Zuyd University of Applied Science. Together with professor Gastronomy Peter Klosse van Zuyd University of Applied Science, she is the quartermaster for the Vital (Lim) burgers project. During the busy kick-off of the project at the beginning of this year, Braun explains the plans in more detail. Read the whole story at zuyd-unlimited (in dutch).
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